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Atomic Structure Practice Test 5

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Atomic Structure Practice Test 5

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Category: Atomic Structure

1. Number of unpaired electrons in N2+ is/are

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Category: Atomic Structure

2. Which one of the following set of quantum numbers is not possible for a 4p electron?

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Category: Atomic Structure

3. Electronic configuration of calcium atom can be written as

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Category: Atomic Structure

4. An ion has 18 electrons in the outermost shell, it is

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Category: Atomic Structure


Hund's rule states that :

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Category: Atomic Structure

6. All the three p-orbitals have same energy in the absence of magnetic field and are called ________orbital's

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Category: Atomic Structure

7. The correct order of total number of node of atomic orbitals is-

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Category: Atomic Structure

8. electronic configuration of species M+2 Is 1S2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d6 and its atomic weight is 56 number of neutrons in the nucleus of species M is

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Category: Atomic Structure

9. Pick one with Highest Energy

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Category: Atomic Structure

10. The de Broglie wavelength of a particle of mass 1 gram and velocity

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Category: Atomic Structure

11. Nickel has atomic number 28. Choose the correct electronic configuration for Nickel.

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Category: Atomic Structure

12. correct order of increasing energy in the atom of titanium?
(At. no. Z = 22)

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Category: Atomic Structure

13. Electronic configuration of calcium atom can be written as

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Category: Atomic Structure

14. 4d, 5p, 5f and 6p orbitals are arranged in the order of decreasing energy. The correct option is

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Category: Atomic Structure


Which of the following statements is correct?

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Category: Atomic Structure


If the principle quantum number n = 6, the correct sequence of filling of electron will be : 

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Category: Atomic Structure

17. The correct statement among the following is -

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Category: Atomic Structure

18. In 1897, _____ established their electric charge by the application of electric field

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Category: Atomic Structure

19. Two electrons occupying the same orbital are distinguished by


: every orbital in a subshell is singly occupied with one electron before any one orbital is doubly occupied, and all electrons in singly occupied orbitals have the same spin.

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Category: Atomic Structure

20. If the electronic structure of oxygen atom is written as  1s2, 2s2 it would violate

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Category: Atomic Structure


In 'Aufbau principle', the term Aufbau represents :

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Category: Atomic Structure


The atomic orbital is:

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Category: Atomic Structure

23. How many electrons can fit in when have given n = 3 and l = 1?

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Category: Atomic Structure


What are the maximum numbers of electrons that can be associated with the following set of quantum numbers?  , and .


  • The probability of finding electron at the nucleus is always zero.
  • The probability of finding electron increases as one moves away from the nucleus. At a distance of 0.53 A0, the probability of finding electron is maximum. It is called as the Bohr's first radius.

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Category: Atomic Structure

25. The maximum probability of finding an electron is at distance of

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Category: Atomic Structure

26. For a given electron configuration, the term with maximum multiplicity has the lowest energy. This rule was proposed by-

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Category: Atomic Structure

27. Calculate number of spectral lines obtained when electron jumps from n=5 to n=1

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Category: Atomic Structure

28. The e/m value for the positive rays is always____ than that of electrons

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Category: Atomic Structure

29. Electronic configuration of copper is?

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Category: Atomic Structure


What is the total number of radial and angular nodes present in orbital ?

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Category: Atomic Structure

31. when an electron of charge ‘e’ and mass ‘m’ moves with velocity ‘v’ about the nuclear change Ze in the circular orbit of radius ‘r’ the P.E of electron is given by

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Category: Atomic Structure


Which of the following statements on quantum numbers is not correct?

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Category: Atomic Structure

33. The degenerate orbitals have  _____ Energy

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Category: Atomic Structure

34. Which of the following sets of quantum number is not possible?

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Category: Atomic Structure

35. for which gas the e/m ratio of positive rays is Greater

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Category: Atomic Structure

36. for Positive Rays Discovery Heavier the gas, _____ the e/m value

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Category: Atomic Structure

37. Proton name suggested for positive particles by 

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Category: Atomic Structure

38. The energy of electron is maximum at 

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Category: Atomic Structure

39. Orbitals having two spherical nodes is -

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Category: Atomic Structure

40. Another name for positive rays is

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Category: Atomic Structure


Electron pairs occupy localized orbitals. Their orbitals are oriented in such a way that the repulsion between electron clouds becomes:

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Category: Atomic Structure

42.  The nondirectional orbital has _______ value of azimuthal quantum number.

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Category: Atomic Structure

43. When the 3d orbital is complete, the new electron will enter in:

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Category: Atomic Structure

44. Maximum number of total nodes is present in:

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Category: Atomic Structure

45. Which of the following statements are correct?

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Category: Atomic Structure

46. Who Observed that , When a large potential difference is applied between electrodes, it is observed that while cathode rays are travelling away from cathode

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